Our good friend and customer, not to mention journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The LA Times, Rolling Stone, Harpers Bazaar and Interview, Holly Gleason does the Yummy List, a wonderful fistful of polaroids from life - be it records that move her, junk food that plagues her, moments that matter, movies that thrill, perfect creams, fabulous places, things worth drinking… and yes, she loves Lilly. But she also - most recently - loved what they're doing at Milly: “Resort Line Milly NY They call it the cabana line - evoking romping by cerulean waves under striped tents and oversized umbrellas, and that chic beach freshness permeates their new line with the retro playfulness for which Milly has become known. Clean lines, classic silhouettes given fillips and flourishes with feminine fabrications and a sun-soaked palette of the sunniest yellows, tangerines, lime and palm greens and various shades of turquoise, sky, baby and deep medium blue, not to mention a suite a clean deeper than bubble gum pink play-to-cocktail-party dresses that are frolicy, feminine and festive. Silk, cotton, chiffon. Inspited by the Punta Mite resort on Mexico's Pacific Coast, the flower prints evoke Van Gogh's sun flowers or a more watercoloricious George O'Keefe. With little straps, flowing ties, body-skimming lines and skirts that flare and whirl away from the body, not to mention perfect bikinis and cover-ups, this is as perfect as shedding the heaviness of winter and walking into the beauty of being a woman line as has been rendered in the last several years. All one has to do is girl-- rather than man -- up to wear it.” You can get a whole Yummier, by going to the yummy list You can get a whole lot of the Milly she's raving about at our little store. All you have to do is drop in and slip it on… No, we're not Punte Mite on the Pacific Coast; we're Palm Beach, which is its very own special paradise.

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