We are off

Ok It is 5:45 am and we are on the road. Already I have been asked not to back seat drive.

So sorry, but when the speed limit is 55mph and you are at a lightning speed of 42mph and to boot in the exit lanes merging constantly, than I feel the need to speak up.
Kathie has us fully loaded with every snack known to man. Of course Whole Foods finest. We are organic. The ultimate green machine.

It is still dark out but when the sun comes up and we hit a fun destination I will add photos of the famous "Orrico Sister Road Trip".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I'm jealous! Have fun. Do all the cheesy stuff road trips have to offer. Stop at a truck stop...eat something non-organic...sneak a beer in the car...do a Chinese firedrill...crank some bad music. Stop at a tacky gift shop! Be safe & have fun!!! Take lots of pics!!

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